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London - Temple Church - Main organ

During opening hours






IV / P





I Choir C-c4 


Contra Dulciana 16′ 

Claribel Flute 8′ 

Lieblich Gedeckt 8′ 

Dulciana 8′ 

Flauto Traverso 4′ 

Salicet 4′ 

Harmonic Piccolo 2′ 


Mixture III 

Cor Anglais 16′ 

Clarinet 8′ 

Tuba 8′

II Great C-c4 


Double Geigen 16′ 

Bourdon 16′ 

Large Open Diapason 8′ 

Small Open Diapason 8′ 

Geigen 8′ 

Hohl Flute 8′ 

Stopped Diapason 8′ 

Octave 4′ 

Principal 4′ 

Wald Flute 4′ 

Octave Quint 2 2⁄3′ 

Super Octave 2′ 

Fifteenth 2′ 

Mixture II-III 

Mixture IV 

Tromba 8′ 

Octave Tromba 4′

III Swell C-c4


Quintaton 16′ 

Open Diapason 8′ 

Stopped Diapason 8′ 

Echo Salicional 8′ 

Vox Angelica 8′ 

Principal 4′ 

Fifteenth 2′ 

Mixture V 

Oboe 8′ 


Double Trumpet 16′ 

Trumpet 8′ 

Clarion 4′

IV Solo C-c4 


Contra Viola 16′ 

Viol d'Orchestre 8′ 

Viole Celeste 8′ 

Harmonic Flute 8′ 

Concert Flute 4′ 

Orchestral Hautboy 8′ 


Double Orchestral Trumpet 16′ 

French Horn 8′ 

Tuba 8′

Pedal C-g1 


Double Open Wood 32′ 

Sub Bourdon 32′ 

Open Wood 16′ 

Open Diapason 16′ 

Geigen 16′ 

Bourdon 16′ 

Dulciana 16′ 

Violone 16′ 

Octave Wood 8′ 

Flute 8′ 

Octave Flute 4′ 

Double Ophicleide 32′ 

Ophicleide 16′ 

Orchestral Trumpet 16′ 

Bassoon 16′ 

Posaune 8′


I. Choir to Pedal
II. Great to Pedal
III. Swell to Pedal
IV. Solo to Pedal



Mike Wyss



25. März 2024


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