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1 1/3', 1', 1/3'


brilliant, schrill, scharf



The register known as "Cymbel" in a pipe organ is a distinctive and bright-sounding stop that adds a sparkling and shimmering effect to the organ's tonal palette. It is a mixture stop consisting of multiple ranks of pipes that sound simultaneously to create a complex and harmonically rich timbre. In terms of construction, the pipes of the Cymbel register are typically made of metal. The specific metal alloy used can vary among organ builders but often includes a high percentage of tin. The Cymbel stop consists of multiple ranks of pipes, usually ranging from three to five, each producing a different pitch within the mixture. The pipes are often arranged in a tiered or terraced manner, with the higher-pitched pipes placed above the lower-pitched ones. The simultaneous sounding of multiple ranks creates a vibrant and harmonically rich sound, characterized by its sparkling and brilliant quality. The pitches produced by the different ranks combine to create a shimmering effect that adds color and brilliance to the overall organ sound.


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