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16', 8'

Reeds / Zungen

bold, resonant, majestic



Also: Trombone The register known as "Trombone" in a pipe organ is a powerful and commanding reed stop that imitates the sound of a trombone instrument. It is typically found in the organ's solo or tutti divisions and adds a bold, brass-like timbre to the organ's tonal palette. In terms of construction, the pipes of the Trombone register are made of metal. The metal used is often a high percentage of tin, which gives the pipes their characteristic brassy sound. The pipes are typically conical or tapered in shape, resembling the design of a trombone's tubing. The size of the Trombone pipes is relatively large compared to other stops in the organ. This allows them to produce deep, resonant, and commanding sounds. The length and diameter of the pipes determine the pitch they produce, with longer pipes producing lower notes. The Trombone stop is often used for solo passages, providing a commanding presence in the music and adding excitement and color to the organ's overall sound. Due to its strong and assertive nature, the Trombone stop is usually reserved for more dramatic and climactic moments in organ compositions.


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